15FebCOEFPLOT, STATA, STATA GRAPHCOEFPLOTThis post shows how to prepare a stacked bar graph in STATA.
28JanBAR GRAPH, STATA, STATA GRAPHSTACKED BARThis post shows how to prepare a stacked bar graph in STATA.
12NovPIE CHART, STATA, STATA GRAPHPIE CHARTThis post is dedicated to preparing a nice-looking STATA pie chart. Since graphing in STATA
10SepSTATAWORKING WITH DATE VARIABLESThis page lists commands you may find useful when working with date variables in STATA.
13Augappend, cross, joinby, merge, STATASTATA DATA TRANSFORMATION COMMANDSThis page aims to summarize several different data transformation commands available in STATA and to